How We Helped a Training Provider to Rank on Page 1 of Google For Their Chosen Keywords

In 2020, we started working with a training company. I won't name the company, but they're involved in corporate training, in particular in the healthcare industry.

In this case study, you'll learn:

  • The problem the training company faced. 
  • What steps we undertook for them.
  • And what their results were.

Ready? Let's dive in.

The Problem: Low Rankings and Poor Conversions

The training company client offers a wide range of physical courses and online training for businesses in the healthcare niche.

Whilst traffic in this niche is low, it is highly focused and has huge 'buyer intent'.

Buyer intent is the term used to describe the 'intention of the search'.

For example, if you search online for 'garden ideas'. You're really looking for ideas, you aren't close to buying, and for some, you might not be prepared to buy for years.

But if a person is looking for 'garden fence panels', well, it's pretty clear that they need garden fence panels and are highly likely to be buying.

It's the same with a search for 'best places to stay in London on a budget' and 'London budget hotels'.

One search is looking for information. The other is looking for a list.

With this client, the keywords were focused on buyers, and in many cases, these buyers are going to become repeat purchasers for years. Staff come and go in a business and still need training. Combined with legislative needs, often training courses are required each year by law.

The result is that every customer is worth a great sum of money over their lifetime. 

This client wasn't ranking highly for these key terms and, as such were:

  • Missing out on potential leads.
  • Allowing competitors to gain those leads and convert them into customers.
  • Relying on other marketing methods that could be removed at any time (as a result of covid, for example).

Here's what we did for them.

First Step: A Free Strategy

For a number of years, we have been offering a FREE 30-minute digital strategy session to businesses looking for support.

And this is what the training company utilised first. These sessions are a great way to discover if we can help the business. And to give practical and tangible ways that the business can improve their digital presence and conversions.

We gave them a free assessment and a free strategy session to discuss this. 

In addition, we recommended new software for them, which would make their business page convert better and be more relevant.

They were also provided with advice on conversion, using behavioural economics and methods. 

It was off the back of this session that we were hired.

New Copy to Boost Rankings and Conversions

One of the first things we did was to write new sales page copy for

them on several key pages. 

One of the potential issues with a business is that you can be 'too close' to see what you offer and can be clouded by your passion for your product or service. The result is that you make the page all about 'you and not 'them'.

Clarity is key for business websites. A visitor needs to understand what problem you solve in a split second.

We therefore worked with the client to produce copy that made it clear what they delivered.

In addition, this copy was keyword focused. This means that we made the copy both user and search engine friendly. Now, I know that sounds a bit 'Hocus Pocus. But we use top of the range tools to analyse pages for their keyword data and then build a page around that data.

Higher Rankings in 3 Months

Next, we worked on the technical SEO of their site.

We looked at each page, installed the right content and copy on every important business page. This included improvements on the meta descriptions, link building and citation building.

The results were incredible.

Over 23 buyer keywords ranked on page 1 of Google.

Many of these either new rankings or pushed from far lower down on Google.


Whilst Covid got in the way of the success of this business somewhat, they relaunched after lockdown and are now busier than ever.

So here's a breakdown of what we did:

  • FREE strategy session.
  • New copy for their business.
  • SEO work on their site, including link building and citation building.

If you need more traffic to your website, get in touch.



posted July 7, 2021

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