How Sejda Generates 5.7 Million Monthly Visitors Through Obsessive Focus

In this Growth Through Content Case Study, you’ll discover:

  • Why being obsessed with one area can fuel incredible online growth
  • How Sejda has built a backlink legacy with one simple technique
  • And the Sejda tactic you can use today to generate incredible links, traffic and revenue for your business.

Let's dive in.


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What's Sejda?

Sejda is a cloud-based PDF tool. It provides users with the ability to create, edit and share pdf documents online. The tool includes features such as PDF to excel, image extraction, PDF to word doc, and many more.

Sejda was founded in 2010 in Amsterdam as an open-source project and to be honest, details about its online earnings and people behind the projects are difficult to find, but according to Exploding Topics Pro, the site has had an increase in searches by over 3000% in the last 5 years.

But what's the traffic like?

How Much Traffic Does Sejda Get?

Sejda is a traffic monster.

It generates 5.7 million monthly visitors according to Ahrefs, which is worth about $1.7 million in equivalent monthly PPC spend.

And they have acquired links from over 8000 referring domains.

So, how are they doing it?

Obsessive Focus Marketing (and why it works)

Over the months of conducting the Growth Through Content case studies, I've noticed a compelling pattern.

The businesses that do well tend to have an obsessive, laser-like focus on one niche.

By obsessing over this niche, they've been able to build a tremendous level of authority.

And Sejda is no different, because they have decided to be the king of PDF editing.

PDF editing is a huge pain point for most businesses including me, with very few good options out there and most are quite pricey.

But what Sejda have done is to focus on one topic (PDFs) and then create a tool that has multiple uses.

And it works.

Since 2015 their traffic has grown, along with their tool creation.

And they have used the same tactics that I observed with, single feature landing pages.

However, these are more than just landing pages; Sejda makes their landing pages ‘how-to’ guides as well.

The How-To Landing Page

Sejda’s tool can do so many things, but each feature of their tool, such as PDF cropping, has its own landing page.

And these pages rank for loads of keywords.

Rather cunningly, they have translated them into other languages as well, allowing them to rank for the international variations.

But what's great about these landing pages is that they show people how to use the tool.

They act a lot like 'how-to' blog posts that teach the reader how to solve their pain points.

These instructions make signing up for the tool easy, as it's teaching you how to use it and showing you how easy it is before you sign up.

OK, so they are gaining traffic this way, but what about backlinks?

The Number 1 SaaS Backlink Method: Best Links

If you have created an online tool or business, then really, backlinks are never going to be an issue.


Because blogs are addicted to creating 'best links'.

Best links are links within content that are within a 'best of' list post.

These links can be:

Best (insert product service).

Best Free (insert product or service)

And other variations.

But 'Best' posts are pretty much the bread and butter of most blogs because they drive traffic.

And so, if you are a SaaS tool, these types of posts work really well, and the best part is that the editors and writers tend to be constantly updating them, because that means they can change the publish date and make the lists bigger.

So, it's a win-win for everyone.

You get the link, they get to increase their content and keep it updated.

And also, these links tend to drive traffic too.

But how can you use and leverage the tactics Sejda uses?

Let's cover this next.

The Sejda Tactic You Can Use to Generate Traffic, Links and Revenue

You might be thinking about how you can use these tactics.

Well, the best way is to focus on one thing and narrow down on that one thing until you're the best at it.

So, this is how that might look.

Let's say you are an SEO specialist.

You can be a link builder. Good.

You can be a link builder for e-commerce stores. Better.

You can be an e-commerce link builder for sites that sell clothes. Improving.

You can be an e-commerce link builder for sites that sell vintage clothes. Nice!

You see, by niching down, you really can become the best in a single field and easily generate work, get links yourself and become the best in your field.

(I started as a content producer in the Martial Arts world).

But it doesn't just end with service-based businesses.

You can create tools that do really well.

For example, one of my favourite tools is this Headline Capitalisation Tool.

It's a simple tool that I use to check that my headlines are correct.

And yet, the tool page alone does incredible traffic and generates loads of links.

If you can think of a pain point for your industry, chances are someone else will feel that pain and you can consider creating an online tool to solve the pain.

This is of course dipping into the world of product-led SEO.

But there is massive potential to generate links and traffic through creating tools or indeed content databases.

The thing is, you don't even need to create a tool.

You can just really niche down and blog about a particular subject.

For example, this blog about buying swords has 42,000 visitors a month.

Obsessive focus is about going in-depth about one thing, one pain point, one tool, and then expanding out from there.

This is the DNA of most great businesses and blogs.

Key Learning Points

Ok, so here's the key learning points from this study.

  • Niche down to a single product, tool or service.
  • Create online tools that focus on pain points.
  • Use single feature landing pages.
  • Make sure those landing pages teach and not just sell.
  • Focus on 'best of' posts to generate links for your tools/ services and products.

Final Thoughts

This case study is related to the trend towards 'niche marketing'.

And it's also about going deep with your passion and being obsessed with that one thing.

By niching down to such an extent that you attract the perfect audience, you'll generate better quality traffic and increase your revenue.

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posted January 13, 2022

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